Saturday, December 29, 2012

Flow Bench Fabrication

Hey everyone its Forest again from the OAVS Team. Jon and I have been rippin right along on getting the parts made for the flow bench. Jon has since Wednesday machine the Flow Straightener Inlet Flange, the Flow Straightener Outer Flange, the Oil Reservoir Plug Bung and all 18 of the Short Mounting Tabs for the frame.  I was able to finish welding the basic frame up on Wednesday. I also sat down with Jon and we tried some different surface preps on the frame. We decided that polishing the outside of the frame and doing a brushed finish on the inside would give the best form to function. I fooled around with different processes on Thursday to determine the fastest way to get the best finish. Friday I got the process down and sanded and polished for 8 hours straight. I brought the frame home this weekend to finish it so that when Jon and I go back to work on Monday we can get all the tabs mounted.  We are currently in a bad spot as we are missing materials. Our Round Tube for the Flow Straightener Body, Oil Reservoir and External Air Assembly isn’t going to be in till the 9th. OnlineMetals didn’t inform Matt during the order that the materials were being shipped from two different locations and at different times. We will have to bump up due dates on other aspects of the Flow-Bench in order to accomplish our goal of a completed unit for January 14th. A while back, Jon helped out one of the FSAE Car Capstone team by showing them how to use the AMC’s Faro CMM arm to get accurate measurements on their motor for their chassis design. Jon is going to be working with one of the FSAE team members, who works at the Advanced Structures and Composites Center, for their Water-Jet capabilities. This will speed up some of the process in getting the parts done by tessellating our parts on one sheet of material instead of band sawing them out by hand. Check back to see what’s going on next week.
Have a Happy New Year, OAVS

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