Thursday, November 15, 2012

Flow Bench Continued.

Hey everyone, It's Matt here to update you on what's going on with the Oil-Vapor Separator Team.

We just sat down briefly with our adviser Chuck Maguire to pick his brain about how to go about setting up our flow bench.  We had run into some issues with looking at fans that would pull enough flow through the system at the pressure that we wanted.  We've now decided on utilizing an air compressor and a holding tank, and then utilizing a flow control valve to push air through our system.

Jon is going to be heading up the design of the oiling mechanism that we'll be using.  It's currently looking as though we'll be going with some kind of capillary tube to supply the oil to the air before it gets to the catch can.  the oil is going to be applied a minimum of 10 tube diameters downstream from the catch can.

Right now we're going to focus in on general design of the system and then narrow our view to other things that we can add to the system.  We'll be updating the blog again by next Thursday at the very latest.

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